Save Ken Lay!

Listen up, people.

We know Ken Lay isn’t such a bad guy. We know that

according to Linda Lay
, he’s a decent, upright individual.
And despite that undeniable fact, the arrogant
international press sees
fit to insult this fine American entrepreneur in his time of need.

Well, I’m not going to stand for it.

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I urge you all to click on the box above right now and
give what you can to the Kenneth and Linda Lay Emergency Relief Fund. I know
that in these days of terrorism, war, and crony capitalism, it’s sometimes
hard to see that we are all just human beings, doing our best
to live, love, and make ends meet. Doesn’t poor Ken deserve that chance, just
like the rest of us? Prick him, does he not bleed?

Together, we can make a difference.