Alien City

So. A story.

A rather scatterbrained young man is at a party in San Francisco.
He spends much of the evening talking to this really attractive, intelligent,
nice woman. She’s a usability engineer. He’s a web-guy who is forced by the
circumstances of his job to pretend he’s a usability engineer. She is
interested in ancient Western civilization. She has read up on Asperger’s
Syndrome. They have plenty to discuss.

She’s not a SF local, and she mentions she needs some guidance to find Hwy 101.
He says he has the same problem. They both laugh. SF is confusing. They ask around and
get directions for finding the freeway. Still, she sounds a bit hesitant. He promises
her that he understands the directions and that she can follow him out.

So they walk to the parking lot. She has his contact information. There is vague
talk of getting lunch. They say good night, and he gets into his battered Sentra.

He drives out into the parking lot exit. She pulls up behind him. He heads out,
turns left onto the one-way street. Drives a few blocks, stops at a traffic light.
She stops behind him — close enough that he is no longer blinded by her headlights.
All of a sudden, he can see through her windshield in his rear-view mirror.

It’s not her. It’s some forty-year-old guy who has been behind him the whole time.
He has left her back at the parking lot. He has ditched her. Casually stranded her
in an alien city.

It is a long drive home.

Back On the Wagon

As you might have noticed, I haven’t been updating my journal recently.
Well, I’ve fallen off the wagon again. That’s right — I’m back to playing
computer games.

I had been so good for months — no TV, hardly any computer games (well,
an occasional round of Titan).
But last week
released Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Let’s just say I haven’t been getting
much sleep this last week. I’m totally geeking out. But look — if
Pat, Nancy,
and Mike can quit and then come back to
EQ, surely
I am allowed my small vices? Remember kids:
EQ kills

Honestly, it’s a good thing that I’m buried in this computer game, because I was really
starting to worry about my geek credentials. It started when Rachel called me a “jock”
back in Santa Barbara (indeed!) Then my physics and mathematical knowledge
started fading away. And just the other day I stumbled across the old Wired Magazine
article about the relationship between
Asperger’s Syndrome and mathematical aptitude.
The article included a
test to see if you might have
. Yes, I know, the test has about as much validity as an
How hard do you crush?” test in
Seventeen magazine
(my score: “It’s Just…A Little Crush…”). But I took the stupid Wired test anyway.
I scored a 16. I’m perfectly “neurotypical”. What a disappointment.

took the test and got a 19. Like me, she answered with extremes — she likes math,
likes focusing on problems, but she also likes people and social chit-chat.
I suggested that maybe we were some kind of hybrid advanced super-nerds. Math
skills and social skills. Like Blade!
of the nerds’ advantages, none of their weaknesses
.” M’ris demurred, however,
saying that after all, she had 20/200 vision. And I have my computer game thing, of course.
Ah well, another perfectly good theory spoiled by the facts.