It’s Raining Babies

Well, not quite. But it seems that way.

First, Colleen gave birth to Melia, who I’m going to get to see tomorrow evening. Colleen complains that Melia was fairly big, 8lbs, 5oz… but let’s face it, Colleen is a 5’11” volleyball player, and Daddy is a 6’4″ volleyball player. So it’s not like this is unexpected.

Second, my old college friend Wendy had her first baby, Karen Elise, early Tuesday. The labor took only five hours. You’ve got to hand it to Wendy — she does everything on or ahead of schedule. First she finished her PhD in Geophysics in just a tad over four years, and now this. And, I think we need to award her some bonus points for choosing to give birth on a Tuesday, which allowed proud papa (and poker buddy) Phil to call us all on Tuesday Poker Night to announce the news.

I should point out that of the five poker buddies present, the only one who got to talk to Phil and Wendy was yours truly. I nearly started babbling to her about how wonderful and magical the whole thing was, but I managed to stop myself. This was Wendy, after all. I think she would have reached out and smacked some sense into me through the phone if I had carried on like that.

Come to think of it, that would be an extra phone feature that I bet a lot of people would pay for. But I digress.