So I haven’t been shaving on a regular basis recently. This became a problem on my last Poker Night. The guys chided me, “You’re probably getting up at noon too! We warned you about this! I tried to explain that A) I was getting up at 8:30, not noon, and B) that my facial hair indicated that I was actually Evil Evan, from the alternate evil universe (just like Evil Spock). But they weren’t buying it. I was Scruffy Evan, at best. That’s all I rate? Scruffy?? I can’t pull off “evil” even when I try.
And I have to say that it would be helpful to look evil at Poker Night. We have a couple of catchphrases we use to coerce our fellow players into taking actions that they ordinarily wouldn’t. One of our favorite catchphrases is “Satan says”, said quickly and in a low pitch. “Satansaysbet.” “Satansaysraise’em.” Or in a game like 7-27, “Satansaysdraw.” In theory, an evil goatee would make my subliminal messages just that much more effective… but if you can’t pull off an evil goatee in the first place, then what’s the point?
In Other News: I bought Mac OS 10.2 (“Jagwyre”), and I plan to install it today. Now the smart thing to do would be to wipe the hard drive completely, install the OS clean, and load all my applications and data back. But that’s haaard and a lot of wooork. It would be much easier to simply back up the most critical files (in case of disaster) and and try to upgrade straight from 10.1 to 10.2. On a Windows box I would never dream of doing this, ever. But a Mac? It might be robust enough to handle it. Then again, it might not. Maybe the “quick upgrade” method will leave me with an unstable OS. But on the other hand, the “clean install” is more work… all that reinstalling of applications… I dunno…
Well, alrighty then.