Linkdump: Cable Conspiracies, Crooning Killers, and Cranky Cossacks

Just a little flotsam and jetsam from my /tmp bookmarks folder. Some of this stuff has been sitting around for months. Phew.

  • While you were sitting around eating nachos and scouring the web for Return of the King spoilers,[1] Jacques Distler has been busy exporting his 21st-century, MathML-enabled, bulletproof XHTML weblog to his academic colleagues. My goodness, I think someone’s going to find a real honest-to-God use for this XHTML stuff one of these days.

  • The fabulous is dead, but at least the Self-Made Critic lives on. It’s not every movie critic who has to deal with flame emails on web standards… fortunately, he’s hired a cranky Russian named Boris to handle his Inbox.

    [Reader Jonathan]: So, Boris, tell me: is the horrible scroll bar an evil Communist plot to annoy the hell out of SMC readers or what? Are our capitalist browser scroll bars not good enough for you people over at, to make you implement your own mouse-over-driven scroll bar? For God’s sake, at least make it trigger on mouse click instead of mouse over so we don’t have to do a little cursor dance over the button.

    BORIS: Quiet, Dog! Or I unleash BLINK tag!

    Ah, Boris. A man after my own heart.

  • I’ve managed to bully Dave Shea into providing a (temporary?) RSS feed for “The Dailies”, Sweet. Between, Dave’s “The Dailies” and Mark’s b-links, I’ve got all the tech/geek info a growing boy needs.

  • Having problems with your cable service? Fuzzy TV signal? Cable modem losing sync? Well, don’t just stand there cursing your own rotten luck… you might actually be the victim of a conspiracy. A crude, bumbling, beer-soaked conspiracy, but a conspiracy nonetheless:

    Take that, nitwit neighbor fratboys. The lesson, I think, is that you’re less likely to be caught hijacking cable service using high-quality parts.

  • Let’s not forget Silence of the Lambs, The Musical! If you can’t empathize with poor, lonely Buffalo Bill as he sings about how hard it is to find that special someone (“I want a girl who will fit me to a T / a woman who’ll look good on meee…”), then I say you’ve got a heart of stone.

  • Finally, because it’s there: The Runcible Spoon Society.

1. Gollum bites off Frodo’s finger, falls into lake of fire with the ring, The End. Oh, and Dernhelm is a chick!

2 thoughts on “Linkdump: Cable Conspiracies, Crooning Killers, and Cranky Cossacks

  1. “The ‘String Coffee Table?’ Bleh. The ‘String Quintet’ would have been much funnier.”

    I didn’t choose the name. Urs Schreiber did and none of his colleagues objected…

    “Quintet” would have been problematic if, as group blogs are wont to do, they decided to add more authors.

    As to bullet-proof XHTML, this will be an interesting experiment to see if mere mortals (OK, a bunch of guys with PhD’s in theoretical physics) can use it successfully.

    I am an optimist (but it helps to have root access :-).

  2. In that case you’d call it the “String N-tet”. Sheesh, do I have to think of *everything*?

    I too am curious to see if the “mere mortals” start picking this up. I guess that when you start seeing a flurry of MathML comments in your blog, you’ll know it’s starting to catch on…

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