Tonight I’m heading over to Sam and Pat’s place. It’s one wild Friday night, let me tell you. We’ll be drinking beer and making Sam’s Famous Spicy Cabbage Soup (not to be confused with Sam’s Famous Tom Kha Gai or Sam’s Famous Chicken Marinade Which Is Definitely Not Kerrick’s Famous Chicken Marinade). Also we might play some head-to-head World of Warcraft. Or maybe even watch the director’s cut of Aliens. Perhaps we will have an extended debate about the merits of the M41A Pulse Rifle, and discuss the evil of Burke and his upturned collar — proof positive that he was an evil corporate drone… from the future! Hey man, this is Soup Night. Anything could happen!
Also, we will be celebrating the completion of Pat’s paramedic internship. Congratulations, Pat! I have to say, I’m a little jealous of Pat right now. He saves lives for a living, and he wears a cool uniform. Chicks dig that kind of stuff. Tech writers… well, we don’t have cool uniforms, although there are some tech writers out there that save lives (indirectly). Of course, there are also tech writers out there that kill people (indirectly). You won’t be surprised to learn that the latter group totally sucks at their job. Losers.
How’s their new place? I moved into my new place the same night as the boys, so we (I, my housemate, & Pat) had a toast over the phone. (Sam was taking too long to come home.)
How’s the place?
Its groovy. It has a pool and jacuzzi for recovering as man was meant to after a brutal night of soup and scifi. The place is even complete with a Nosy Homeowners Association Nazi to make sure we don’t suspend the wrong colored plants on our deck or stack our recyclables in the wrong colored bin. His efforts are suitably appreciated by our neighbors as well, perhaps they will go in with us on a present for him on Mind Your Own Damn Business Day.
Aside from that the place is awesome. Soup night almost went afoul when I realized that I didn’t have any sharp knives or even a can opener! But by not taking no for an answer and by sorely abusing one stalwart little butter knife, I had cabbage and onions hacked into usefulness and some dreadfully mangled cans of kidney beans and tomato sauce. Huzzah!
Also, a cute woman wandered in at one point. She left shortly thereafter, but I think we now have concrete evidence that our strategy of “hanging out and watching action movies and drinking beer in hopes that cute women will just walk in the door” might someday hit paydirt.