Can Has Niece Plz?

Welcome, Nesya!

There are a bunch of pictures of my adorable, bright, active little baby niece. But this one is my favorite.

Note that the picture is distorted by perspective; Nesya is actually noticeably smaller than the cat.

For now.

9 thoughts on “Can Has Niece Plz?

  1. That cat will know living hell later this year. When Nesya get mobile enough to bug the cat in its hiding places, the cat will be *very* unhappy.

    Or maybe not. That’s how it worked out for us, but it probably depends on the temperament of the kid and cat.

    Cute baby!

  2. The cat will just have to find some more vertical hiding spaces. Cat vs. infant, a struggle as old as time.

  3. The thing is, I’ve met Seti the Cat on a number of occasions… and while she is a handsome feline, she is *incredibly* dumb. I’m pretty sure Nesya’s cognitive abilities exceeded Seti’s somewhere around the beginning of the second trimester. It’s not looking good for Seti going forward.

  4. Ah, yes, but Seti has defensive weaponry. Nesya’s intelligence will, one hopes, serve her in good stead, although it must be added that the ratio between the self-preservation instinct and the interest and determination of the typical human rug rat/toddler does not bode well for her.

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