Here are your rules. (You’ve seen this one before, this is just a ‘recursive’ version)
- Pick up the nearest book.
- Open to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the next three sentences.
- Tag five people and post a comment to Garunya‘s blog (your tagees will post to mine, etc.) once you’ve posted your three sentences.
The Five Chosen are:
And my three sentences:
“The tale of Gawaine’s journey through the Wirral in dead winter, at
the end of the year, to keep his vow; his adventures at the castle of
Sir Bertilak, a genial and generous host of handsome appearance and
normal colouring in whom Gawaine does not recognize the Green
Knight, have nothing to do with Arthur. It is a tale of old magic whose
meanings are disputed but related with such visual brilliance and
emotional force, reading it is like experiencing some thrilling nightmare.
Its leading feature is description.”
From The Mystery of King Arthur, long ago borrowed from my friend Wendy’s parents. (Okay, technically speaking, the closest book was the manual for FrameMaker / Mac OS 9, but that’s all sealed up in the box, and seemed like a pain to get at.)
Hello there,
Any way you look at it King Arthur is more interesting than a Mac OS 9 book. This coming from someone who studied Computer Science!
I totally agree with you, Justin. But to be scrupulously fair, I think we need to give FrameMaker an opportunity to make its case to the public, *without* our biased commentary.
So okay, here we go. Page 123, sentences 6-8 of the *Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 User Guide*:
| You can reset such a series in two ways, as illustrated in the next two examples. The first example shows how to restart series numbering by using the building block for the first step in the series, and then using for subsequent steps. The second example shows another way to reset the counter so that you don’t have to use a unique format to start a numbered list.
So who wins, King Arthur or Not-King Arthur?
And my three sentences:
“As you enter the factory, you’re told that widget sales are slow. You notice stacks of widgets everywhere. Orders for widgets are few and far between, and as you watch, the stacks of widgets grow.”
From Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett. (The sentences were part of an analogy…this book is primarily for my wife, though I have read a few pages.)