In Which Mur Lafferty and I Singlehandedly Save the Publishing Industry

As everyone knows, the publishing industry is in trouble. Like a drunken author stumbling across a campus quad, groping for enough saucy anecdotes about teen co-eds to fill out one last priapic literary novel, so too is the publishing industry groping for solutions to shrinking margins and an increasingly distracted public.

Well, fear not, publishing industry! I bring you… the future. Publishing 3.0! Publishing for Teh Internets generation! Publishing with Rounded Corners and Pastel Colors!

Afternoon of the CyberMonkeys: An Interactive Collaborative Twitterfic Publication (with special guest star: Mur Lafferty)

Note that this new super-advanced format has some drawbacks:

  • The posts are in reverse time order. This means that the best way to read Afternoon of the CyberMonkeys is to click the link, immediately scroll down, and start reading from bottom to top.
  • If at some point in the future I decide to change my Twitter favorites for any reason, the story will be destroyed.
  • Unlike works of fiction on physical paper, Twitterfic works are subject to “Failwhales” and other Web 2.0-style mishaps.
  • The story isn’t very good.
  • There is still no revenue model.

But these are minor bugs that I’m sure we can all work around.

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