Ordinarily I don’t talk much about work here. (I consider it unprofessional.) However, this particular news is worth a mention — I’ve been laid off at Sun. Or in company parliance, “RIFFed” (RIF = Reduction In Force).

I’m actually feeling pretty good about the whole thing. First, I’m young and resilient. I hate to say it, but I’m glad it was me and not some 48-year-old guy with a mortgage and kids in school.1 Second, none of this was a big surprise to me — my group got hit hard (as I figured), and they basically just kept core, veteran engineers (as I also figured). Third, the severance package and my savings will tide me over for a reasonable length of time.2 Finally, and most importantly, this is a good “kick in the seat” to go do something new and interesting. I think I need such kicks every once in a while — without them, I tend to get stuck in a rut.

Anyway, yesterday really wasn’t so bad. My director (who had to break the news to each of us) seemed like he was having a much worse day than anyone else. I was actually quite cheerful, and all my colleagues came by to chat and wish me good luck, which was nice. Well, okay, there was one low point. I was joking around with two longtime engineers, Carlos and Benoit, when a cute young systems engineer poked her head in my office. (She was attached to Benoit’s project, I think.) After a few minutes of banter, the conversation went like this:3

Cute Young SE: Wow, I’ve never seen such a neat, clean office.

Benoit: That’s our webmaster! He’s very neat and organized.4 Someday he’s going to make a great husband for someone.

Carlos: Husband?? No, he’s not ready to go out and get married… he should just go out and have fun!

Benoit: No, it’s time for him to find a nice girl and settle down.

[they argue]

Cute Young SE (noticing me rolling my eyes): C’mon, guys. You can’t just assume he’s interested in girls…

[Carlos and Benoit stop arguing. Cute Young SE turns bright red.]

Me: Well, I think we’ve now hit the high point of my day.

It’s hard enough to ask a cute girl out when you’re an unemployed loser, but when you’re an unemployed possibly gay loser, it’s pretty much a no-go.

1. Not that I think 48-year-olds with mortgages have more right to keep their job than a young punk such as myself. That line of thinking leads directly to the 1950s office (back when they paid unmarried men less than married men). It’s just that… I feel better about it being me rather than them, that’s all.

2. That is, if I can keep my insanely expensive appetites in check. No more Prada underwear, damnit.

3. Paraphrasing, of course.

4. Friends and family will guffaw at this. But actually my office was usually quite neat and organized, mostly because I didn’t keep a lot of stuff in it.