
A friend of mine (whose name shall be left out for privacy reasons) has a serious girlfriend. They’re thinking marriage. His significant other writes me to say:

Oh, yeah, XXXXX is also afraid I’ll dump him for you, thus the marriage proposal 🙂

If only I had thought to warn her about this earlier! This kind of thing happens because of me all the time. Maybe I should rent myself out to women with committment-phobic boyfriends… errr, that didn’t come out quite right…

One cool thing about this particular couple is that neither of them is particularly happy with diamonds, and so they’re considering alternative stones. A ruby, maybe. Good for them! I think it’s pretty clear that diamonds are bad news, and I heartily applaud their decision to be a little less traditional. If you can call a 75-year-old cartel-manufactured sales gimmick a “tradition”.

Anyway, I haven’t been posting much recently, nor have I been doing a good job of updating my Making of the Western Mind class notes. It’s amazing: when you have more free time, so much more of it goes to waste. Well, the notes are posted1, and I’ll be posting more often too.

And finishing the damn tutorial.

And flossing.

1. There’s no direct link to the MOTWM class notes, but if you’re in the 3rd year class, you should have the URL. Or if you need it, you can email me. Or, to be honest, the URL is eminently guessable. You’re smart people.