Armorers of God

M’ris is right:
Creed is awful. Just awful.

Well, I’m on the hunt for a new apartment. Got a few places I’m looking at tomorrow.
I’m feeling pretty optimistic. Besides, if I fail, I still have a place to live,
courtesy of Fred Holy. So not a lot of pressure.

Speaking of new places, Nancy and Mike invited everyone to a holiday party. It
is officially the “Smith-Holy residence”, not the other way around as you might expect.
Nancy rightly points out that she and Mike are not the Armorers of God.
And good thing, too. They might have room for one anvil in there at best.

I still am having trouble installing stable graphics drivers for my ATI card.
I keep trying to install the new drivers, but no matter what I do, the old drivers
keep springing back from their coffin and leering at me. Fortunately, I’ve finally
found an FAQ site that explains how to expunge the old drivers once-and-for-all.
This involves a little surgery on my Windows registry. Fortunately my physics
education instilled in me an unhealthy lack of fear of messing with technology
that I don’t understand.

I’ve been having awful trouble with my writing. Trying a little semi-traditional
fantasy. But it keeps coming out like, “Long-ago-in-the-days-of-high-adventure…”