I found a picture of me
and Amber on
Marissa’s website. That was
the day I handed Marissa her belated birthday gift, a handy-dandy Rebellious Young
Writer’s Manifesto Kit (TM).
At first, I was encouraged by her enthusiasm. But lately, I’ve been disappointed in her.
She hasn’t been rushing out and organizing meetings, distributing flyers, writing angry screeds,
and promoting The Movement. No, it seems she’s been buckling down
and writing fiction. What the heck is up with that?
I wonder if I’ll have any trick-or-treaters this year? It seems unlikely, since my townhouse
is essentially part of a retirement community. But you never know. At least Mike complimented
me on my jack-o-lanterns. He seemed impressed that I could carve one with curvy features using
just a regular kitchen knife. I don’t know how I accomplished this monumental feat.
Maybe I was channeling the spirit of Martha Stewart. That’s right, Mike! Fear my l33t
pumpkin-carving skillz!
Anyway, folks are coming over in a about an hour to watch scary movies and eat some
pasta and garlic bread. Time to cut this short.