Since absolutely nothing of importance happened today, it’s clearly time for… more Sports Night than you can shake a stick at!
From Angela’s No-Frills Sports Night Page: the Sports Night Drinking Game. Good stuff, although I would add “Jeremy berates himself (out loud) for talking to himself (out loud) — 1 drink” at the very least. Also see the superb FAQ section, which answers the eternal question, “How is it that Dan forgot he was ever in Spain?
A selection of Sports Night scripts. Includes the original script for “Eli’s Coming“, which answers the aforementioned Dan-in-Spain question, and the original script for “How Are Things in Glocca Morra?”, before it was re-written to account for Robert Guillame‘s real-life stroke.
Who Would You Kill On Sports Night? To my astonishment, Isaac beats out everyone. Even Gordon. It is a sick, sick world we live in.
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Sports Night! Ladies and gentlemen, I have scoured the Internet to provide you with only the finest of Sports Night Fan Fiction. And here it is, on a silver platter: behold Episode One of “Season Three”. I hereby grant this fan-written episode the highest possible rating: “Actually Pretty Good.” Yes, really. The rest of the episodes in “Season Three” are a little more uneven, but you take what you can get. (I should note that when I said, “scoured the Internet”, I specifically excluded the wonder that is Sports Night Slash Fiction. I love you all, but not quite that much.)
Television Without Pity: Sports Night. Able staff member Daniel MacEachern handles his Sports Night recaps in typical Television Without Pity style. Pick one character on the show that you “like” just to prove that you don’t hate the show with every fiber of your being, and proceed to tear into everyone and everything else on the show with a clear conscience. Actually, Daniel goes one better — not only does he like Isaac, but he also likes (minor character) Kim. (Although I think Daniel’s appreciation for Kim comes from a less-than-pure place.)
And that’s the problem with Television Without Pity — can you really trust the recappers? For example, take Jake 2.0. From the recap ratings (a nearly consistent string of As and A-pluses) it seems like it would be a good show. On the other hand, the recapper seems completely in lust with Jake 2.0’s nanotechnology-powered nerd superhero, so maybe she’s not the most reliable source of information.
Finally… a Reliable Source indicates that not only do Josh Malina‘s parents (Mr. and Mrs. Malina) attend a Conservative shul in the Los Angeles area, but Joshua Malina himself showed up for Yom Kippur services. It’s a good thing I wasn’t there — I probably would have been tripping over myself to run over and say, “Dude! I loved you in Sports Night, man!” or something similarly asinine. Fortunately, our Reliable Source has much better manners than I do.